The League of Nigerian Columnists (LNC) is a non-partisan, voluntary association of responsible and respectable columnists dedicated to the nurturing and preservation of a truly democratic and progressive society. Our Members are writers whose columns are published weekly or with reasonable frequency in newspapers and magazines. Columnists articles are published in mainstream media (newspapers or magazines) that has a full-time editor.

Our Objectives

Our Objectives include:

  • To contribute to the attainment of the goal of holding governments accountable to the people as enshrined in the Constitution.
  • To contribute to the achievement by the country of the status of a society that consciously works for the realization of the goals of fairness, equity, justice and egalitarianism for all its people.
  • To publish an official newsletter to project its activities from time to time.
  • To publish yearly or as may be convenient a book of Best columns.
  • To publish an encyclopaedia of Nigerian columnists living or dead
  • To publish any other book, magazine or pamphlete as the League thinks fit.
  • To hold yearly lectures on any subject of contemporary relevance.
  • To hold from time to time workshops, seminars and colloquiums to enhance the practice of column writing.
  • To cooperate with similar organizations of columnists in other countries.
  • To promote and sustain a high standard in the practice of column writing.
  • To perform such other functions that the Executive Council may approve which are consistent with the founding philosophy of the League.

To provide coordinated intervention on important national issues through press release and or press conferences or policy intervention as the need may arise.